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We use variety of unique locations all throughout Middle East so we place your ads on the right time in the right place. Outdoor Advertising is now performing very well in many parts of the world.this is a good one to try if you want to push a brand, event, or local business and the costs can be very reasonable.

TV Media

Each member of the Live el-arab Advertising team will maintain integrity with clients, consumers, vendors and members of the media at all times. Each of us will put our clients’ success on equal footing with our own and will endeavor to “do the right thing” every time. We will face our daily challenges with honest, heartfelt communication and will always use the truth as our ultimate selling tool. We will serve as matchmakers to attract the right customers to our clients in the most cost-effective manner to ensure the maximum return on investment


Whether you call it narrow casting, digital signage or digital indoor advertising, digital indoor media is the wave of the future and Prime is right where you find a captive, receptive and relaxed audience. Unlike traditional media which is affected by multi-tasking and other technological distractions, digital indoor media gets the viewer's attention.

Social media

You know that social media is one of your most powerful tools.
It allows you to connect with customers, provide them with information about your company
And build relationships that can have a direct impact on sales, and brand reputation
All of which are extremely important to your success.


Depending on your budget and objectives, you may also want to consider advertising formats like Radio Advertising to shout about your brand.These can be targeted to a consumer or business audience and each provider will be happy to discuss ways in which you can get the best value for money.


This service consists of planning, organizing and designing all the necessary materials and tools to accomplish event of your dreams. You want to make an event and need a professional team work to design, produce and organize your event? Contact us, and success is in your hands!.


We're Waiting for you.

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